Monday 24 September 2012

Scoot Game

As a TTOC (Teacher Teaching on Call) I like games and activities that are interactive, can be adapted to any subject and age, and do not require a lot of prep or materials.
Some of my favourites include Tic-Tac-Toe and Basketball Trivia.
This is a new one I haven't tried yet, but can't wait to give a go.... it does require a bit of prep, but could easily be done in a short amount of time.

Scoot Game-
1. Make a simple chart with enough boxes so that each student in the class has one. Give this chart to students (you could even ask them to make a chart and number it 1-30 [or however many people are in the class] This is where students will write answers to problems.
2. Assign each desk a number (to match the chart) If desks are in a circle it will make movement easiest, but regardless of desk seating plan, be sure to give clear instructions on which direction students move during "SCOOT" (You may wish to put # signs on the desks to make it clearer)
3. On each desk put a flashcard face down with a problem on it (Math, Socials Studies, Vocabulary, etc) You may put the # on the back to make it clearer for students which question/answer they are working on.
4. Students flip over the flashcard and solve the problem, writing the answer on their chart sheet. When you yell "SCOOT" they flip the card back over and move to next question/problem/desk
5. Once everyone has gone to each desk and gotten a chance to answer each question, you can end the game and review the answers they wrote on their charts.
*You an decide how much time to wait between calling "SCOOT"
**Review rules, safety in moving from desk to desk before starting the game.
Here is an example created for a class of 12 students reviewing percents:

Sunday 16 September 2012

Card Trick Teacher

So I was shown this website which has a ton of interesting ways to use cards in the classroom.

There are some cool Math tricks to use in class as well as some fun other tricks to try.

What's neat is they have videos showing the tricks as well as how they are done.

Here is an example:

I always have a deck of cards in my classroom or in my TTOC bag, so I find these various videos pretty awesome.

Saturday 8 September 2012

Fun Activity for TTOCs: Miss Nelson is Missing

Pinned ImageClassroom teachers this is a great thing to leave in your folder for when you are away.

Teachers teaching on call, this is a great thing to have in your bag of tricks.....

Read the story book "Miss Nelson is Missing" to the class class.

Have the children then write a story about where they think their classroom teacher is while they are away from school.

There may be some funny, creative stories that come out of this activity.

For younger children and primary classes be careful they don't worry about where their teacher is, this activity is intended to be fun!

Thursday 6 September 2012

Twitter for Educators

If used right, Social Media can be a fantastic tool for educators. I have embraced social media and am curious on ways to explore it further. I want it to be an effective tool and I still struggle with some ways to incorporate it into not only education and collaboration, but as a means to reach out beyond my PLN (Personal Learning Network)

I realize that a lot of educators are weary of social media, in particular, Twitter. I have spent a lot of time speaking with new teachers about twitter and thought it would be nice to have an easy "manual" on how educators can get started on twitter. Of course, I found something (several somethings) on the internet...

This google doc starts with the basics and is useful in getting started.

Monday 3 September 2012

Back to School... Get Your Bag of Tricks Ready

The first week of school for TTOCs can be slow. Often there are not a lot of calls to go in for work, but there are things you can do during that week to prepare for a busy school year.

One suggestion I give to TTOCs is to take this time to get your "Bag of Tricks" ready to go. A 'Bag of Tricks' is something I have with me when I go into any classroom. The items in there will have you prepared for (almost) any situation. Here are some items in my bag:

  • Writing Utensils
    • pens
    • pencils
    • overhead pens
    • dry erase pens
    • chalk
  • Activities
    • mad libs
    • sudoku
    • picture book
    • playing cards
    • dice
  • Personal Items
    • Lunch
    • Running Shoes
    • Tylenol
    • Tissues
    • Waterbottle
    • Mints
    • whistle
  • Extras
    • stamps or stickers
    • small beanbag or ball
    • prizes or rewards
    • your card or contact info
I also like to have my camera or cell phone to snap photos of bulletin boards, classroom set-up, and such that I like.

What do you always bring with you?
Comment below with your ideas to share....

Sunday 2 September 2012

Math Games WebSite

Try this site for some awesome Math Games for all levels: