Saturday 28 December 2013

Home-made Scratch Cards

Create your cards.
Paint using 2 parts acrylic silver paint to 1 part Dawn dishwashing liquid. 
Several layers may be required to cover text.
Glue to coloured cardstock.

Check out the source link below for powerpoint templates and more ideas.


Wednesday 18 December 2013

Teach children to cook... create healthy adults....

Want your children to grow up to be healthy adults? Teach them to cook....

I really enjoyed this article from the Province this week. It talks about involving children in grocery shopping and food preparation and cooking at a young age to help promote healthy eating and lifestyle. I find this to be very true, even more so as I teach Home Ec this year. Learning about the sugars in drinks and the Canada Food Guide and portions tat make a serving of vegetables for example. The article writes:
The occasional lucky person takes to cooking like a duck to water. But for most of us, it's a skill that needs to be taught. And the sooner children start to learn, the easier things tend to go.
"It has implications down the road," says Kate Comeau, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for Dietitians of Canada, the professional body that represents roughly 6,000 dietitians in this country.
"You can learn to cook as an adult ... but if we can start kids earlier, we tend to see healthier adults."
Tasks need to be geared to the child's age and abilities. Tearing lettuce is something a really young child can help with. Once they are able, getting children to read a recipe aloud provides opportunities to explain measurements and cooking terms.

Read article here

Holiday Word Games

Once a week I teach Grade 8 Humanities at the middle school I worked at last year. Today we finished off our World Religion presentations and then did some holiday word games. I adapted a few popular games and created a mix up interactive game for the students.

Here is how it went:

Two teams.
Bucket of themed words (We did Holiday movies, songs and items, which I prepared last night)
First person draws a word and then has the choice to either:

1. Charades - Act it out
2. Catch Phrase - Speak but not use words on the card
3. Pictionary - Draw it
4. Hum (songs)

The only real catch was that once someone did one thing (for example, charades) no one on their team could do it again until all 4 choices had been used, then we 're start' again and they can choose any of the four methods to showcase the word.

If their team guessed, they got a point, if they didn't (within two mintues) then the other team could 'steal'


My favourite moment was when one student, who never speaks or participates in class activities (english is not his first language and he also has some cognitive barriers that make communication challenging at times, especially with his peers) but he got up and not only participated, but when he drew his item (a star) and the team guessed, everyone cheered (even the opposing team) and high fived him! Inclusion... I loved it!

What a great day!

We also did 'scattegories' I prepared a chart last night that looked something like this:





Christmas Dinner Food

Christmas Movie

Something Green


So we would do it "BOGGLE' Style and choose a letter and they had 5 minutes to come up with words. The trick was, that if somone else picked the same word, no points. If they had a word no one else picked, they got a point.

Fun word games leading up to Winter Break!

#FirstWorldProblems - put into perspective

Ah, First World Problems. If you live in a western country, for one reason or another, you’re probably guilty of uttering one of these phrases.
Sure, minor inconveniences can really make a day unpleasant, but when put into perspective, having cold leather seats when you get into your car during the winter isn’t the end of the world.
Not having clean water, however, is an entirely different story. In order to highlight what “problems” actually are, Water Is Life launched the “First World Problems Anthem” video last year.
The video consists of people in the Third World reading tweets that were labeled with the hashtag #FirstWorldProblems. The stark contrast is sure to make the line at Starbucks seem like much less of a big deal.

Read More Here

CBC News: Teacher Stress is Killing my Profession

Enjoyed this article about teacher stress and the changing world of teaching. It was posted in 2009 but just came up on my facebook feed recently. While I agree with some of the statements, I wonder about the long term impact of this systemic change to our profession.

he reality of every teacher trying to make even a modest go at this profession is a life of almost constant stress, overwork and, at times, emotional exhaustion.
Anyone who enters the teaching profession thinking otherwise is in for a rude awakening. 
So why am I griping? I chose this profession and I enjoy what I do. 
Well, it is because a storm of new and increasingly unrealistic demands, coupled with a noticeable decline in support from many principals and parents, is contributing to a growing incidence of illness among teachers, including mental illness due to work-related stress. 
I should note that teaching has not broken me. But it has broken the sanity and soul of some very motivated teachers I know. 
Burn-out profession? A Saskatchewan study says almost 60 per cent of teachers face job stress. (Associated Press file photo)
"I think that the whole idea of teaching has changed in the last 15 to 20 years," says Emily Noble, past-president of the Canadian Teachers' Federation. 
"People are dealing with more high-need students, with more multicultural issues and with no-fail policies.
"Teachers want to make a difference, but the supports are just not there."

The best are falling

Add to this the largely undocumented group of what I call the walking wounded, those teachers whose energy levels have been sapped so much by all the new administrative demands that they have little left over to give directly to their students.
I have occasionally heard it said that these increasing demands and stresses are a positive development because they will weed out those whose commitment to the profession may be problematic.
But in my experience, it has been the most highly motivated and committed teachers who undergo the most stress and who break down simply because they truly care for their students and, against the odds, try to deliver.
Mediocre teachers, it seems, have less of a problem in detaching their personal well-being from that of their students. And that is not just my view.
"Burnout is more common in the young, highly motivated, energetic, hard-working teacher," says Prof. Martin. "The people who burn out are the people who pour everything into it without balance." 

Read the entire article here 

Sunday 15 December 2013

Home Ec: Currently Cooking: Rustic Apple tarts and fried rice

Last week we made 'Rustic Apple Tarts' with our Grade 8s. They make their own dough on day one and then day two they fill their tarts. I have to say, VERY delicious!!!

Our grade 6/7s made fried rice. Day one was chopping veggies and preparing while day two was frying everything up - pretty delicious! I think if we had the budget to add chicken or a meat, it would have been even better!

As part of the 'Re Think Your Drink' and 'SIP Smart' lessons, we make healthy smoothies each term so students can taste how even avocado, kale, spinach, berries and rice milk can taste delicious!

Speaking of smoothies, this article about smoothies was pretty interesting... I think people forget that even though fruit is providing natural sugars, it is still sugar (albeit better than added sugars) moderation is key.

This week we are finishing up our holiday baking (sugar cookies and shortbread) before Winter Break. January is term three... I can't believe how quickly these Home Ec terms go by! 8 or so weeks! Crazy! And they are only 40 minute blocks each day!

Saturday 14 December 2013

Love for Sandy Hook #love4SH

As educators, we remember and honor our fallen colleagues and their students from Sandy Hook School. We honor them each day in our classrooms in which we continue their dream of teaching our children. We honor their memory with our service. Join with teachers everywhere in committing random acts of kindness to show our love for Sandy Hook. #love4SH

Friday 13 December 2013

Snow Angles...

Not Snow ANGELS, Snow ANGLES....

Monday 9 December 2013

Fun Holiday ideas...

The 'melted snowman' water bottle made me literally laugh out loud....

Goodreads Choice Awards 2013 - Best Books

So many amazing books... Many I have read, many I want to read, a few I hadn't heard of...

Thursday 5 December 2013

Hand Print Tree Ornaments

My friends and colleagues know my obsession with handprint art, so this idea looks amazing to me!

Monday 2 December 2013

NY Times Ethicist: Ethics and Discussion on a variety of issues.

While sharing favourite picture books and readings to do with Elementary School Students, a Student Teacher in a workshop I did last week suggested this site for discussion topics with high school students:

There are some topics, perhaps, you would not want to discuss with students, but some of the articles are very good and would be nice to read with highschoolers and discuss or have then write or debate after.

Here are a few examples:

Does the Golden Rule Hold Up in Modern Society?
The problem with treating others as you would like to be treated.

One Man’s Trash Is Another Man’s Banned Good
Is it wrong to donate a baby crib to charity that another country has outlawed

Is It Wrong to Skip the Commercials?
The ethics of fast-forwarding.

I haven't gone through many of them yet, but am always looking for articles and topics to discuss with older students that are thought provoking and lead to discussion, debate and for students to write specifics and think deeper about topics.

**Please note some topics from the NY Times webpage are NOT suitable for the classroom, but there are many that are. As always, preview carefully.

Self Regulation Techniques featured in CBC article.

When I teach as a TTOC in different classes, I notice a variety of strategies used for DPA (Daily Physical Activity) and also Self Regulation. This article looks a bit at both and I love some of the ideas teachers are using in their classrooms.

I have tried some of the ideas like childrens yoga cards to go to use on the quiet carpet to stretch out, or a bell that signals "leaping lizards" or some other energetic exercise.

One school has "pole to pole" runs where students can go run from one end of the school to the other when they need a break. Another class I was in had regular "brain breaks" with choices of activities such as chair aerobics.

At Cindrich elementary school in Surrey, B.C., 10-year-old boys are putting themselves to bed earlier, an enthusiastic girl in Grade 6 takes herself for a run when she’s feeling hyper, and a diminutive boy who is still learning English tells his teacher he will do better work if he sits on a special cushion. 
It is all part of self-regulation, a philosophy of education that is moving into public schools in British Columbia.
Self-regulation ultimately hands the job of taking charge of their learning and their behaviour back to the kids. Teachers look for what is stressing a child and making them unable to  pay attention, lethargic, or hyper sometimes to the point where they are out of control. It might be too much noise in the classroom, too little sleep or too much junk food in their lunch. Then the teachers help the child recognize what they need to do to make themselves calm and productive in class.
Stuart Shanker, a distinguished research professor of philosophy and psychology at York University, is the pied piper of self-regulation in the schools. He maintains that Canadian kids do not know what it is to feel calm any more. There is too much stimulation in their lives. 

Read the rest of the article here

Saturday 30 November 2013

Teacher Template for lessons...

A bit busy, but some great components here you could use.... Nice to keep your lessons focused and assess as you go.

Try out this lesson planning chart before writing out your next lesson plan.

Friday 29 November 2013

Art Journals....

Has anyone tried art journaling?

Pinterest had some cool pins:

Fingerprint poetry is a great way to start a poetry unit or the beginning of the year. High school or middle school students can really express their individuality.Art Journaling

Some really amazing stuff out there. I am intrigued. I want to learn more.....

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Advice for New Teachers

Earlier this year I participated in in a twitter chat (#cdnedchat) discussing 'Advice for New Teachers'

You can read some of the highlights from that chat on this Storify Board:

Here are some other basic tips:

Advice for New Teachers


Monday 25 November 2013

I am thankful for Pumpkin Pie... Craft/Writing activity

While I celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving back in October, my teacher friends to the south celebrate this week. I am planning to enjoy some American (late) Thanksgiving Saturday night with friends and family, and can NOT wait for some delicious turkey and pumpkin pie.

This easy-peasy craft / writing assignment can be done with elementary students. I have included photos, materials, instructions and source links in both French and English.

My Canadian colleagues may wish to file this away for next October, but my American readers can enjoy it this week. All you need is some orange paper, paper plates, scissors, markers and paper fasteners/pin (for the middle so it can spin)

Students can write a few things they are thankful for, cut the orange paper into a circle slightly smaller than the paper plate with a "slice" cut out. Then fasten together like so.....

Pumpkin Pie Spinner Craft.  Encourages kids to reflect on what they are thankful for.   Primary French Immersion Resources: L'Action de Grâce

Easy-Peasy? You could even do some cutting prep ahead of time if they are younger/primary.

C is for Cookie....

I love this! Since I am teaching Home Ec two days a week this year, I am always looking for visual aides to help in my teaching. We are in term two now, which is exciting because we got through term one and are repeating most of the recipes and lessons now. As part of the cookie making home lab for our students, we had a variety of shapes, sizes and textures created. This is a nice photo I will show my class as we discuss why cookies turn out differently and what role certain ingredients play in baking.

Thanks pinterest!

Presenting to Student Teachers: Perks of TTOCing

This week I am doing two presentations to student teacher groups. I love the energy and enthusiasm student teachers have coming out of their practicums, ready and eager to find jobs! The reality is, that many get hired, first, as a TTOC (Teacher-Teaching-On-Call) and my workshop looks at what life is like as a TTOC.

I also do workshops for the BCTF on Classroom Management for TTOCs, Work-Life Balance, Stress Management, Reality 101, and a few others. It is always a pleasure to present and today was no different!

Today's group had a lot of previous classroom experience as EAs or such and had some awesome ideas and knowledge to share. They just finished their SFU 405 practicum (Long practicum) and I spent the afternoon with them.

One part of my workshop looks at the benefits of being a TTOC.

We brainstormed some of the perks of being a TTOC and here are some of the things we came up with:

  • Flexibility 
  • Set schedule
  • Variety (grades, subjects, areas)
  • experiment with different instructional strategies
  • develop professional connections, network
  • no report cards
  • minimal marking
  • less "out of school day" work (prep, plan, mark, etc.)
  • Gather ideas, resources, etc.
  • try things out repeatedly
While teaching on call is often a stepping stone to contract teaching, many choose to teach on call because of the many perks it offers. Although sometimes unpredictable, many teachers enjoy the benefits of being a teacher-teaching-on-call.

What other perks are there to being a TTOC?

Sunday 24 November 2013


One of the many things I love about mentoring, is the opportunity to work with new teachers in a variety of ways. My favourite is co-teaching.

Co-teaching goes beyond collaboration and let's teachers work together to educate students. lists 6 different ways to co-teach:

1. One Teach, One Observe. 
2. One Teach, One Assist.
3. Parallel Teaching.
4. Station Teaching.
5. Alternative Teaching.
6. Team Teaching

I found an awesome blog that talks about co-teaching, here are some highlights:

I will be the first to say co-teaching is not for everyone but in the same instance, I believe everyone should try it. 
Education is not about out doing my coworker down the hall. It is about collaborating to make everyone successful. I have always been a fan of collaboration but throughout school, everything has been a competition for me. Teaching is not a competition it is about doing what is best for all our students.
Read More here - original post

Co-teaching.... maybe not for everyone, but I am the first to admit that I can be a control freak.... yet, I still manage to enjoy and excel in co-teaching!


Saturday 23 November 2013

Don't Date a Girl Who Teaches

A teacher friend shared this with me, it made me laugh... Don't date a girl who teaches:

If you decide to take her anywhere directly after work, just know that it will seem to others as if you are escorting around a cardigan-wearing, homeless witch with unexplainable stray marker/pen marks from wrist to elbow.

Fellas, let me save you some trouble. If you're in a bar and you see a woman in flats and a cardigan with an oversized shoulder tote asking about discounts, stay away.

Saturday 9 November 2013

Advent Calendar Idea...

I remember in Grade 1 we had an advent calendar for a class of 24 students. I remember we each for one chocolate and did a name draw for the 25th chocolate. I won!

My classmates hates me for it.

But I was so proud, because I had never won anything in my (short) life.

This idea, however, will ensure no one is jacked up on sugar in class, no student with allergies are left out, and no classmates get jealous of another....


Wrap each book up and each day unwrap one to read as a class. I am thinking this may be something great to do at home with my daughter, but also, could be done easily in class.

I wondered about the "Christmas" theme and how to avoid any issues with that - but what about if some books talked about different December celebrations? So it wasn't just Christmas?

This year (and last) I teach middle school and part of our curriculum is World Religions, so we study all the different celebrations.

Anyways, I just thought this is a great way to promote literacy, reading, Christmas countdown, and avoid sugary treats =)

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Social Skills to teach your Students....

How to listen to instructions, how to ask for help—social skills kids need and how to teach them.

Social Skill: How to Listen Attentively
Skill Steps:  
1. Look at the person who is talking and remain quiet.2. Wait until the person is finished talking before you speak.3. Show that you heard the speaker by nodding your head, and using positive phrases, such as “Okay” or “That’s interesting.”
Classroom Activity:  Invite students to tell each other jokes to practice active listening. Gather joke books from your school library or send students online to Aha Jokes to find their favorite funnies to share with their friends. Have students work in small groups taking turns in the roles of speaker and active listeners. Older students can practice sharing opinions on class reading or plans for college or career.

Social Skill: How to Greet Others
Skill Steps:1. Look at the person.2. Use a pleasant voice.3. Say, “Hi” or “Hello.”
Classroom Activity:  Challenge your students to come up with 25 or more possible greetingsthey can use with each other, with you or with a classroom guest. Include greetings in different languages. Each morning, go around the room and have each student offer a greeting to the class.

Social Skill: Following Instructions
Skill Steps:1. Look at the person.2. Say okay.3. Do what you’ve been asked to do right away4. Check back in with the person.
Classroom Activity:  Play classroom games that help students to increase their ability to follow instructions with traditional games like Simon Says and Red Light, Green Light. Or challenge your students to a scavenger hunt around the classroom or school.  Explain that theirs is no way to succeed without following directions precisely. As with all the skills, have your students go through the steps every time you issue a request until they become second nature.

Monday 28 October 2013

Healthy Festive Fun treats for Halloween

Looking for healthy treats for your Halloween party? These are fun, healthy and still festive

Saturday 26 October 2013

Another busy week of filling my teacher brain...

I spent a couple days in Williams Lake to present the New Teachers' SURT (School Union Rep Training) workshop to a group of new teachers' and TTOCs from Cariboo Chilcotin teachers.

It was awesome to talk about Professional Development, the History of the BCTF, Professional Relationships including the code of ethics and boundaries, Professional Autonomy, and the Collective Agreement. I found it so educational as the facilitator to learn some of the local language and how it differs from other locals I have presented in or my own local I work in.

Thank-you to the teachers' in Williams Lake as well as the BCTF and the CCTA for having me!

When I returned from Williams Lake I had a mentoring session with our district mentor team, where we went through some strategies and protocols to try with our own "mentees" or "prtoege" groups. I find these sessions so valuable as a mentor and hope to bring some of the strategies we practiced into our next TTOC Mentorship meeting.

Finally, on Friday, I joined the BCCLA PSA (BC Co-Operative Learning Provincial Specialist Association) at their annual conference. I am part of the new District Leadership Series and was excited to get a sampling of what we will be focusing on this year. We also had our CTA 1st VP, Chris King, as a keynote. Although I work with him often, it was incredible to listen to him speak on Safe Schools and SEL (Social Emotional Learning) and how important it is to have those connections and a safe environment so that students CAN learn.

Overall, this week was busy, but so educational! My brain felt so full at the end of each day, I am so glad I have my notebook to reflect in and return to, so that all these fabulous revelations do not get forgotten!

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Halloween Door Decor and Photobooth Ideas

I love seeing all the students dressed in Halloween costumes. I love the idea of doing a costume parade through the school or other classes, having healthy snacks with the kids and doing fun holiday crafts.

I always take a lot of photos but loved the idea of a 'PHOTO BOOTH' area. I have seen at weddings and showes people set up a back drop and/or frames or signs to hold up for photos. There can also be props that fit the celebration.

Another thing I love about Halloween in Elementary schools especially, are the awesome decorations. I found some cool door designs at Tunstall's Teacher Blog.

So many neat ideas for Halloween! I love it!

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Home Ec: Checking In #homeecteacher

Wow, October is half way over, I feel like I am finally getting my head wrapped around the ins and outs or teaching Home Ec again! I meant to post more sooner, but just haven't had the time... but I want to post more! As a new home ec teacher, I am learning so much and want to share it with others who may find themselves teaching home ec, but also to seek ideas from those of you more experienced home ec teachers =)

My job share partner teachers M-W and typically does the recipe and demo with the students along with the lessons. My Thurs and Fri is typically cooking/lab days and on off weeks continuation of the lessons.

We are doing just foods/cooking, not sewing, which I have taught in the past (Sock Monkeys for 6/7s, PJ pants for 8s)

I wanted to share some of the labs we have made. I didn't get photos of the cheese scones, quesadilla, fruit tarts or berry muffins, however, I do have some of our other labs....

Grade 6/7s did fruit crisps... messy but delicious!

Grade 8s did pizza pockets. Dough was Day 1, Stuffing was Day 2

Grade 6/7s made personal/co-operative pizzas

My face says it all... this was my FIRST lab day, It felt so great to see all the students enjoying their muffins!

Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins - these were so yummy!
So, although things are VERY busy, they are going very well! I am really enjoying Home Ec and as first term comes to an end in a couple weeks, I feel like second term will be a blast now that I am used to my new position!!

Saturday 12 October 2013

Student-Centered Discussion Tips

It can be scary to let students guide discussion in the classroom, but the rewards are well worth it. Check out six tips for implementing student-centered discussion:

  1. Start With a Challenging Text 
    In the Shared Inquiry method of discussion, the text provides the foundation for student understanding, multiple meanings, and debate. Both Damm and Benefiel found that when preparing for discussion, students were able to grapple with a text much more difficult than that they may have read on their own. “Sometimes I think a text is too hard,” says Damm, “and it has been proven to me over and over that it is not.”

    Take Away: Even if you think a text is above your students’ reading level, bring it in and plan opportunities for students to engage and grapple with it.
  2. Set the Stage 
    Before any discussion, Damm’s students spend five to ten minutes writing their response to the first question. This allows less outgoing students to share their carefully considered answers, and ensures that everyone has an opportunity to participate. After the discussion, students reconsider their answers based on what they’ve heard from other students, and are given a chance to change their initial responses. Damm reads the final responses to assess how students changed their minds during the discussion, and why.

    Take Away: Create and reinforce a structure for preparation, discussion, and reflection. During discussion, set a procedure to help you facilitate and monitor. Damm and Benefiel both recommend keeping a record of who has contributed to the conversation so you can ensure 100% participation.
  3. Seize Questions As Opportunities 
    Students at Sarah Smith Elementary School in Atlanta, GA, start learning Shared Inquiry discussion practices in kindergarten. By first grade, they’re starting to drive the conversation. “Once the students understand how to question, [the rest] comes naturally to them,” says principal Sidney Baker.

    When teachers seize on student questions and use them to drive discussion, it empowers students, agrees Denise Ahlquist, the vice president for training at Great Books. Underscoring the value of questions also helps open the floor to students who may struggle with reading in general.

    Take Away: Set the expectation that questions are valuable and take time to answer every question that you can during discussion.
  4. teens-studying-outside
  5. Encourage Interaction
    Damm and Benefiel sit outside of the discussion circle and interject only to facilitate or to invite students to participate. During discussion, asking students “why?” and “what do you think?” is enough to encourage students to deepen their understanding of the text without losing student ownership.

    Take Away: During discussion, give students simple directions to encourage them to interact with one another. If one student disagrees with another, for example, prompt her to turn to the other student and try to convince him of her point of view.
  6. Seek Support From Colleagues
    At Sarah Smith Elementary, a week before student discussions teachers have their own Shared Inquiry discussions about the stories they are reading in class. This helps teachers go through the process and become deeply familiar with the texts before they facilitate student discussions. It also provides a foundation for later reflection on classroom discussions.

    Take Away: You will find more success with student-centered discussions if you are able to prepare for them in collaboration with other teachers.
  7. Be Patient 
    How quickly or how effectively you will transition to student-centered discussions depends on your own experience as a learner and teacher, so be patient and plan to spend a few weeks teaching students how they work. “It really takes practice to support ideas with evidence and look for deeper meaning,” says Rachel Claff, editorial director of K-12 programs at the Great Books Foundation, but “it yields rich results.”

Four More Tips
Here are four more things to keep in mind when getting started with student-led discussion.

Welcome All Discussion
Talking about text does not just happen in a formal discussion, but throughout the week. Set up pair-shares, informal discussions, and other opportunities for talk as students work with a text. 

Resist the Urge to Explain
Your first instinct might be to explain the text, especially if students are stuck. But resist that urge and trust the process of discussion to get kids to form their own understandings and build off of each other’s ideas.

Model Curiosity
During Shared Inquiry, the role of the teacher is to be a model learner for students and to show what it means to go from not understanding to creating meaning. 

Take Risks
As you ask your students to take risks, be willing to be pushed out of your comfort zone as well. If a student asks you for more reading from a challenging author, run with it!

Friday 11 October 2013

Guided Oral Reading - 4 strategies....

Reading fluency is essential to comprehension. Here are four strategies for building fluency in the classroom. Click to see the full infographic:

Thursday 10 October 2013

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Candy Corn Craft

Neat Halloween themed idea. You could also use numbers to do math, or spell three letter words.


Tuesday 8 October 2013

Sunday 6 October 2013

Secret Student

Fun behavior motivator! Great for a TTOC also!! Let the class know you are watching the secret student to see if they follow the rules, work hard and are on their best behaviour. Or don't tell them and make it a surprise!

Pick a student to reward.

Saturday 5 October 2013

Celery Flower Art

Finally, a use for that leftover celery.

Friday 4 October 2013

Thursday 3 October 2013

Educational Activities for Popcorn Month

October is popcorn month. I love popcorn, especially movie theatre popcorn.... but there are some amazing ways to use popcorn in the classroom. As a TTOC this is a sure way to be memorable (but still educational) Similarly, I have used candy hearts as BINGO markers on Valentines day and other food items for learning.

This awesome site posted this:

  • Use kernels for an estimation activity.  FirstGradeParade posted this and included cute little autumn-themed, printable cards for students to estimate how many popcorn kernels will fit on it.  After they estimate, they count the kernels to see how close their guess was.
  • Have students describe popcorn using as many adjectives that come to mind.  Here is Room-Mom101's take on BabblingAbby's adjective activity.
  • Challenge students to create a box that holds the most popcorn.  Fawnnguyen did this activity for sixth-graders studying volume.
  • Make a popcorn book club discussion.  This is also an idea from FirstGradeParade, complete with printable discussion-starters.  Students discuss their books and eat popcorn.
  • Create popcorn writing by crumpling up popcorn-shaped papers with characters and settings written on them.  Students randomly choose the papers and write a story using the elements written on their papers.  This comes from ApplestoApplique and is similar to my Build-A-Story activity, but with a popcorn theme!