Wednesday 22 February 2012

Cursive Writing

Today I was in a Grade 2/3 class and one lesson I was asked to lead was "cursive writing"

I have come across this a few times this year with this grade level, and I have to remember to do the cursive writing the "correct way" not with my own personal style (which tends to be more of a loopy printing that somewhat resembles handwriting at times)

It makes me ponder... how important is cursive writing to learn?

My daughter is in grade 3 and thrilled to be learning how to write "pretty"

Last year as I taught Grade 6/7 I had a parent ask me why we didn't study cursive hand writing in middle school....

I remember when I was younger learned in about Grade 3 and practiced. In Junior High School some classes required you used cursive writing for assignments even.

Nowadays, it seems it is a lost art.

My personal opinion is that technology is taking over and typing skills, along with technological know-how is more important thatn cursive writing.

Yes, it is pretty, yes it is good to learn, but I am ok with it being used less in schools and in curriculum.

I find cursive writing to be a fun skill to learn, and perhaps useful when reading grandma's letters, but otherwise almost as useful as learning Calligraphy.... again... pretty, interesting, fun, maybe useful in some instances, but probably not a priority.

Many disagree with me, but I really would rather my daughter be able to type and communicate in other ways, even if she can't hand-write with cursive letters.

Some argue that learning cursive writing is more about learning proper penmanship, posture, and finding the joy in writing.

I understand the need to at least sign your name for legal documents... but really, our brains are programed to do things quickly and efficiently and so, much like my "writing", many people naturally begin to join letters together....

So... do we teach students how to do it correctly? or let them just "figure it out"?

I think the current system works just right. They learn young, and then can continue to use it as much or as little as they need as they grow.


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