Sunday 10 March 2013

Engaging Activities for Better Learning - Jane Faber

Teacher educator and AMLE author Jane Feber shares several clever teaching techniques that engaged students when she subbed in English and science classes.   

Engaging Activities for Better Learning

Jane Feber

As a teacher, no matter what lesson I had to teach in the classroom, I knew I had to hook the students and engage them if learning was to take place. When students are engaged in the learning process, they take ownership of their learning. Being engaged allows students to work at the application level, which, in turn, enables them to transfer what they learn to other contexts.

Having retired from full-time teaching four years ago, I am now able to work with students in a substitute capacity. I teach a reading competency class to current teachers, and many of the teachers in my class ask me to substitute for them. Quite often, they leave lesson plans that say, for instance, “Jane, we’re reading Canterbury Tales, do your thing” or “Jane, we’re studying the water cycle on page 142 in our book; do something to help them understand the water cycle.”

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