Opinions expressed on this blog are my own and do not represent any other organization or affiliation I may have.

Saturday 28 September 2013

Home Ec: New Posts Coming

So as I mentioned in a previous post, I am teaching Home Ec this year to grades 6/7 and grade 8. I am only there two times a week as I job share, and half the day is Student Services and half the day is Home Ec.

That being said, the two days I am there are mostly "LAB DAYS" which means the students are all cooking.

I am not much of a baker or cook at home, my husband does a lot of that, but one of the keys to Home Ec Labs, as I am learning, is classroom management, supervision, organization and time management.

Maybe I am not the best cook, but those things I am very skilled at.

This week was my first lab with the kids. Grade 6/7s did twice baked stuffed potatoes and Grade 8s did a two day lab making banana-chocolate chip muffins.

I am excited to announce that things went very smoothly. I had the youth worker come in for an extra set of hands and eyes, my job share partner was very organized and had everything ready to go and everything turned out delicious and on time!

I am starting to connect with other Home Ec teachers through social media, especially twitter, and feel more creative in the things we can plan for term two.

What is awesome about teaching "EXPO" or Explorations, is that I get to connect with every student in the school by the end of the year and it is something most of them look forward to doing.

We get 8 weeks with each group and they are 40 minute blocks five days a week.

Anyhow, I plan to start posting occasional "HOME EC" features on my blog so stay tuned!

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