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Thursday 26 March 2020

Get Outdoors: Resource List

We see a lot of outdoor play in K, but exploring and embracing nature is valuable at all levels. Here are some resources and ideas for integrating outdoor play and experiential learning in your class… it is also good information for home time and the importance to get outside.

In our current state of self isolation and quarantine, unless you are symptomatic (in which case stay safely inside as to not infect others) you can and should still get outside, while maintaining the 2 meter social distancing. Fresh air and outdoors is good for mental health.

Great infographic describing the benefits of spending time in nature: https://hopefamilyresources.wordpress.com/2015/06/01/infographic-of-the-day-benefits-of-nature/
The Institute for Outdoor Learning has a number of resources:
Here's a quick read on the benefits of Place-Based learning: https://sierraclub.bc.ca/the-value-of-place-based-education/

And, when you can't get outside.... bring some of the benefits of outside - inside....
How Plants Improve Your Mental and Physical Health

Love this idea to bring an “outdoorsy” feel inside the classroom.

Now don't forget cool out door games too:

https://www.headspace.com/covid-19  - has some free and extra offers right now during the COVID-19 situation

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