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Friday 25 January 2013

Strategies to use with ESL students in class, Adapting lessons

This site has some great strategies for helping EAL/ESL/ELL students in your class.

A reality in my district is that most classes have multiple students who receive extra help with learning English. (EAL/ESL/ELL) but how do you include these students when they are in the regular classroom?

I find often these students disconnect from lessons and either do their own thing or work on "ESL homework"

I love some of these strategies to make lessons more inclusive and to get these students more involved in the lessons happening in class regardless of their level.

One thing I often do is give the student the information in advance so they have a chance to review before hand. Then I check in before to see if they have any questions. Sometimes I will ask them some questions and if they get the answer correct I let them know I will ask them that question again during the lesson. This helps them gain confidence too!

Here are a few more awesome ideas:

Introducing new vocabulary or terms as you show diagrams or examples in a traditional “lecture” or teacher-centered format
Providing a copy of your teaching notes, especially the terms, in advance.
  • If you prepare materials on the computer, expand your notes to leave space for them to add their own notes. You can delete information that is strictly for your teaching use, such as materials lists, question prompts, etc. 
  • The same materials would possibly help your Learning Support students, if you have any.
  • Be SURE to do a SAVE AS and rename the file as "Adapted Student notes for..." or you will be very angry with yourself! Keep the file for future years.
  • Consider offering a graphic organizer version of the notes. Create one using one of these online tools and save them as part of your online account. As the year goes on, you can wean students by offering partially completed ones (remove some of the terms or definitions) before you print or share electronically. Students build notetaking skills as their language improves. 

Having the students do free writing or journaling
Reading ESL students' journals and responding to their content without correcting grammar errors.  Students will rapidly improve the quantity and quality of their writing and eventually self-correct their grammar. Sticky notes are an easy way to leave a quick comment.

 Check out more on this site.

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